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Accredited Online COURSES to advance your career and life


Our Services

We specialize ONLY in ISO Quality Management Systems (QMS) such as ISO 9001, ISO 13485, AS 9100, AS 9110, AS 9120, ISO 27001, ISO 21001, ISO 29991, ISO 29993, ISO 29994, ISO 19011 and soon IA 9100, IA 9110, IA 9120. We provide Training, including Internal and Lead Auditor Courses, along with Auditing and Consulting services that help organizations achieve and maintain conformance with these International Standards.

Additionally, our Training Division is one of the few worldwide that is ISO 29993 Certified allowing us to provide Verifiable Accredited Certificates.

Specializing in ISO QMS Services


ISO QMS Certification Assistance

We help organizations achieve and maintain ISO Quality Management System (QMS) Certification.

Our team of Technical Experts are available worldwide and provide the highest level of service and expertise. They have many years of extensive knowledge and experience in various industries, including Manufacturing, Information Technology, Education, Medical, Aerospace, and Defense. They can assist with all aspects from initial gap analysis to Training, Consulting, Implementing and Auditing to assure Certification readiness and ongoing conformance. Our proven methodology has been 100% successful for organizations of all sizes and industries, ensuring that our clients achieve their certification goals efficiently and effectively.


Why Choose Us?

We have over 30 years of extensive knowledge, experience and competency in various industries including Manufacturing, Information Technology, Education, Medical, Aerospace, and Defense. We have the skills and ability to help your organization grow and prosper.

Additionally, many of our Technical Experts represent their countries on the international committees that create these standards so we’re up to date on what’s happening now while helping our clients prepare for what’s coming in the future.

How to achieve competence

About Us

ISO Quality Consulting is a leading provider of Training, Auditing and Consulting Services for individuals and organizations interested in becoming certified or maintaining certification to International Quality Management System Standards such as ISO 9001, ISO 13485, AS 9100, AS 9110, AS 9120, ISO 27001, ISO 21001, ISO 29991, ISO 29993, ISO 29994, ISO 19011 and soon IA 9100, IA 9110, IA 9120. Our team of experts have over 30 years of experience in the ISO QMS field. Many of our Technical Experts represent their countries on the international committees that create these standards.

Here’s what our customers say.

” The instructors conducted the training in a very clear, concise and fun manner, which made the subject much more enjoyable.”

” I appreciated how easily the material was communicated throughout the course. I felt no stress or intimidation because the content was not overwhelming for the time frame. The instructors were very approachable and made my experience enjoyable and comfortable.”

” Good pace. Instructors are very knowledgeable and helpful. They bring real life examples to the class and are willing to be available throughout the course to answer questions and facilitate learning.”

” Their hands on approach allowed us to immediately convert these improvements into bottom line cost savings. These people know what they’re doing and are committed to making sure we reaped all the benefits.”

” The class was very clear, well prepared and very easy to follow and understand.”


Answer: ISO Quality Consulting offers consulting, training, auditing and consulting services for organizations interested in becoming certified or maintaining certification to latest international standards, such as ISO 9001, ISO 13485, AS 9100, AS 9110, and AS 9120.

Answer: Internal auditor training is a training program designed to develop the skills necessary to conduct internal audits of an organization’s quality management system. This training is typically required for organizations seeking ISO certification and is an essential part of maintaining conformance with international standards.

Answer: The process for becoming ISO certified typically involves a gap analysis, certification readiness assessment, implementation of a quality management system, and a certification audit. ISO Quality Consulting can assist with all aspects of this process, from initial gap analysis to certification readiness and ongoing conformance.

Answer: Our courses are available in both classroom and online formats. The classroom courses are typically held over several days, while the online courses can be completed at your own pace.

Answer: The time it takes to become ISO certified varies depending on the Standard, the organization’s size, complexity, and existing quality management system. Generally, it takes between 6 and 12 months to become ISO certified, but this can vary depending on the specific circumstances of each organization. We’ve been able to compress the timeframe to 3 months.

Answer: Yes, all our training and implementation programs can be customized to fit your organizations unique needs and timeline. Contact us to discuss your specific needs.

Answer: The benefits of ISO certification can be seen immediately after implementation, but some benefits, such as improved efficiency and cost savings, may take longer to fully realize.

Answer: Our training courses provide participants with a thorough understanding of the standard and practical tools to implement it effectively. In addition, our courses were developed by experts in their fields with many participating in the committees that write these standards. These courses are designed to help organizations improve their quality management system and achieve their business objectives.

Answer: Implementing a Quality Management System can help reduce costs by identifying and eliminating inefficiencies, minimizing waste, optimizing resources, reducing audit and inspection costs, adopting a risk-based approach to quality management, and improving efficiency and quality, ultimately leading to increased profitability and competitiveness.

Answer: A gap analysis is a review of an organization’s existing quality management system to identify areas that need improvement to meet international standards. It helps organizations understand what steps they need to take to achieve conformance with international standards.

Answer: While ISO certification is not always a requirement, many government agencies and large corporations require their suppliers to be ISO certified, which can open up new markets and opportunities for your organization along with simplifying your qualification process as a supplier.

Answer: A certification readiness assessment helps organizations identify any gaps in their quality management system and determine their readiness to undergo a certification audit. This assessment can help organizations prepare for the audit and ensure that they are in conformance with international standards.

Answer: ISO Quality Consulting can assist with all aspects of quality management system implementation, from developing policies and procedures to training employees on the new system. Our consultants have extensive experience in implementing quality management systems that meet international standards.

Answer: Ongoing conformance audits are important because it helps organizations maintain their certification and ensure that their quality management system continues to meet international standards. Regular internal audits, corrective actions, and continual improvement are essential to maintaining conformance.